Bengkalis district most fires hotspot detected

EoF News / 19 February 2015

EoF News (PEKANBARU)—Fires hotspots still haunt Riau province as in recent week there were 114 fire hotspots that analyzed by Eyes on the Forest based on NASA Firms EOSDIS Data, and Bengkalis district still the area mostly suffered by fires with 62 hotspots.

By timber and palm oil concessions that specifically audited by the Governmental Agencies last year there were 27 hotspots, where PT Rimba Rokan Lestari (unknown group) got 9 hotspots followed by PT Arara Abadi (APP/Sinar Mas), PT Diamond Raya Timber (Panca Eka, HPH concession) with 5 hotspots respectively.

Other companies hit by fires hotspots that are suspects of forest fires and those failed in fires compliance audit are PT Bumi Reksa Nusa Sejati (palm oil), PT Sumatera Riang Lestari block 4 (APRIL, Rupat) and 5 (APRIL, Kubu), PT Bukit Batu Hutani Alam (APP/Sinar Mas). It needs further groundtruthing to verify the distribution of hotspots where mostly area hit located in peatlands.