In-depth investigations by Eyes on the Forest and other organizations of forest crimes in Indonesia perpetrated by palm oil, and pulp and paper companies, along with related issues. Includes external publications.
31 Aug 2023 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Palm oil, 46 perusahaan, EoF, EoF Report, ilegal, illegal palm oil, kawasan hutan, kebun sawit, korporasi, omnibus law, palm oil, Riau, sawit ilegal,
Eyes on the Forest dalam kurun waktu dari November 2022 hingga Januari 2023 melakukan analisa geospatial dan disusul pemantauan lapangan terhadap 46 perkebunan sawit yang diindikasikan masuk dalam Kawasan hutan di Riau....
31 Dec 2022 / EoF Investigative Report
Kalimantan, Sumatra, Carbon stock, Palm oil, certification, ISPO, palm oil, papua, peatland, plantation, provinces, Riau, riparian, west kalimantan,
All through the years 2021 and 2022, the Eyes on the Forest coalition has organized field verification activities on the implementation of sustainability standards under ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil)...
19 Dec 2022 / EoF Investigative Report
Kalimantan, Sumatra, Lack of governance, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Palm oil, abandoned;, Land, MoEF;, papua;, permit; oil palm; riau, president;, west kalimantan,
The Indonesian government has revoked 192 permits in the forestry sector covering a total area of 3,126,439 hectares on the grounds that most of the companies holding such permits have failed to comply with the...
02 Dec 2022 / EoF Investigative Report
Kalimantan, Sumatra, Lack of governance, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Palm oil, What companies can do, ISPO, Jaringan Kalbar, Kalbar, palm oil, papua, Riau, sawit,
Koalisi Eyes on the Forest (EoF) awal bulan ini menerbitkan Laporan investigatif terbaru yang menyigi pelaksanaan system sertifikasi Indonesia Sustainability Palm Oil, sistem yang diwajibkan Pemerintah kepada pelaku...
07 Oct 2022 / EoF Investigative Report
Kalimantan, Sumatra, Lack of governance, Tenurial rights, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, Palm oil, gajah, gambut, HTI, izin, Kalimantan Barat, konflik, Lahan, nkt, papua, pencabutan, restorasi, Riau, sawit, terlantar, tidak aktif,
Pasca diterbitkannya Surat Keputusan (SK) pencabutan izin konsesi dalam kawasan hutan oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, tim EoF di Riau dan bersama Yayasan POINT
09 Aug 2022 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, APP, biosfir, cagar, FCP, gajah, gambut, GSK, habitat, komitmen, penebangan, Riau, sinar mas, Unesco,
Berdasarkan analisis yang menggunakan citra sentinel SWIR dan pemantauan di lapangan oleh EoF, kami menemukan adanya indikasi-indikasi deforestasi, penebangan vegetasi alam dan perluasaan hutan tanaman industri (HTI)...
08 Aug 2022 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, APP; sinar mas; Giam Siak Kecil, biosphere, clearing, deforested, elephant, HCV, peat, Unesco,
Based on Sentinel SWIR satellite image analysis, use of Global Forest Change data and ground
03 Jun 2021 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Palm oil, What companies can do, 43 Companies, corruption, Darmex, deforestasi, Duta Palma, Eyes on the Forest, GAR, illegal palm oil, Jikalahari, Musim Mas, omnibus law, perusahaan perusak lingkungan, RGE, sawit ilegal, UUCK, WALHI Riau, wilmar,
In Indonesia, oil palm plantations developed in Forest Estates are considered illegal by law. A new GIS analysis by Eyes on the Forest (EoF) finds that Riau province, the biggest producer of crude palm oil (CPO) in...
03 Jun 2021 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Palm oil, What companies can do, 43 Companies, Darmex, Duta Palma, Eyes on the Forest, illegal palm oil, Jikalahari, omnibus law, perusahaan perusak lingkungan, sawit ilegal, sinar mas group, UUCK, WALHI Riau, wilmar,
Di Indonesia, pengembangan kebun sawit dalam Kawasan Hutan dianggap terlarang secara hukum. Analisis GIS oleh koalisi Eyes on the Forest (EoF) menemukan Provinsi Riau, produsen terbesar minyak sawit mentah (crude palm...
29 Mar 2021 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, APP, Arara Abadi, deforestasi, forest fires, hotspot, karhutla, sinar mas group,
Berdasarkan pemantauan di lapangan, luas Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di konsesi PT Arara Abadi (Resort Sebanga dan Melibur) lebih dari 50 hektar dan setelah diverifikasi dengan Sistem Informasi Geospasial (GIS) luas...