09 August 2022 / EoF Investigative Report
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Sumatra, Lack of governance, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, APP, APRIL, canal, Harapan Jaya, HCVF, IKPP, Kampar Peninsula, Madukoro, mill, peat depth, RAPP, Satria Perkasa Agung, Serapung,
Analysis Investigative Report May 2006
Kampar Forest Block -- Map 1; B3006 Map 2; B3005 Perda 10/1994 Map 3; B3005&B3006 Peat Deep Map
Eyes on the Forest (EoF) Investigation in May 2006 in Kampar forest block has found that around 2,000 hectares and 3,000 hectares of natural forests had already been clear-cut inside Timber Plantation Concessions of two timber companies, CV. Harapan Jaya (B3005, Map 1) and PT. Madukoro (B3006, Map 2), respectively. EoF observed logging activities by CV. Harapan Jaya on 29 May and PT. Madukuro’s contractors on 26 May, then followed the wood from the logging sites until the receipt by PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (PT. RAPP), a company belonging to Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Limited (APRIL).
These concession licenses were not registered in the database of Industrial Timber Plantation Concessions (HTI) compiled by the Riau Forestry Service in 2005. In May 2006, EoF requested APRIL to verify whether the EoF database on HTI includes all the concessions associated with APRIL or not, however, APRIL did not point out that the EoF database did not include these two concessions.
Based upon Jikalahari’s investigation (Investigative Report on Natural Forest Timber Supplier for RAPP (APRIL) in Kampar Peninsula, Riau), the concession licenses in this area were both issued by the Head of Pelalawan District:
• CV. Harapan Jaya has an IUPHHK-HT license (Industrial Timber Plantation License) by Decree No 522.1/Dishut/2001/721, dated 12 September 2001. The area size of the concession where logging is happening is 4,800 hectares.
• PT. Madukoro has an IUPHHK-HT license (Industrial Timber Plantation License) by Decree No 522.1/Dishut/2001/675, dated 11 September 2001. The area size of the concession where logging is happening is 15,000 hectares. The Ministry of Forestry (MoF) is on the process of reviewing the validity of IUPHHK-HT licenses issued by Provincial Governors or Heads of Districts (Forestry Minister Decree No P.03/Menhut-II/2005 dated 18 January 2005).
Since 25 July 2005, Eyes on the Forest has been calling on all companies that are clearcutting natural forests based on Industrial Timber Plantation Licenses (IUPHHK-HT) issued by Governors or Heads of Districts to immediately issue a moratorium on all such operations. The coalition also called on all companies sourcing timber from such activities to immediately stop all deliveries (see EoF PR on 25 July 2005).
CV. Harapan Jaya and PT. Madukoro should not have started the operations in these concessions and should therefore immediately stop its logging activities. PT. RAPP should stop sourcing timber from such activities until written legal verifications are issued by the MoF.
The concessions of CV. Harapan Jaya and PT. Madukoro overlap with the following areas, thus violate some existing laws:
• Natural forests which was still in good condition, as shown by Landsat Image for the area in 2005. Forestry Minister Decree Number 10/2000 in connection with 21/2001 stipulates that Timber Plantation Concession License (IUPHHKHT) should not be granted for operation in natural forest, but should only be granted in barren land, grassland or bushes in production forest and that the area should not have vegetation of more than 10cm diameter trees for all kinds of species with potential timber density less than 5 m3 per hectare or number of sub-species of dominant species less than 200 trees per hectare.
• Provincially protected “Protection Area” (Kawasan Lindung) as per the currently active Riau Land Use Planning (RTRWP 1994) should not be converted (Map 3).
• Peat soil depth of more than four meters (Wetlands International & Canadian International Development Agency 2003: Map of Area of Peatland Distribution and Carbon Content 2002 Riau Province). According to the Presidential Decree Number 32/1990, natural forests located on peat soil with depth of 3 meter or more situated in upstream and swamp should be maintained. (B3005 & B 3006, Map 4)
PT RAPP of APRIL has purchased the timber from these concessions and therefore has violated Forestry Law No. 41/1999 article 50 clause (3) point (f) in conjunction with article 78 clause (4) which prohibit anybody to receive, buy or sell, receive as an exchange, receive as an entrusted goods, keep or possess any forest products which were allegedly harvested from a forest area through an illegal way.
CV. Harapan Jaya and PT. Madukoro should respect the existing laws in Indonesia and stop the forest clearance in these concessions immediately. EoF also calls on PT. RAPP to immediately stop sourcing wood originating from such operations.
Kampar Forest Block (B3004, Map 5)
Eyes on the Forest (EoF) Investigation in May 2006 in Kampar forest block has found that PT. Satria Perkasa Agung in Serapung had built canals for transporting its logs, which also likely incites the company or illegal loggers to conduct unlawfulness by using the manmade canals.
Investigation on the spot confirmed that PT SPA –whose concession overlaps to HCVF Serapung unit—planted acacia that complained by neighboring Segamai Timur villagers who suffered unsuccessful coconut plantation’s harvest.
Based upon EoF’s investigation the concession licenses in this area was issued by the Head of Pelalawan District: • PT S a t r i a P e r k a s a Agung h a s an IU PHHK HT l i c e n s e ( I ndu s t r i a l T i mb e r P l a n t a t i o n L i c e n s e ) b y D e c r e e No 522.1/Dishut/2001/013, dated 29 January 2003. The area size of the concession where logging is happening is 12,000 hectares. Referring to Forest Cover 2005, 5,400 ha out of 12,000 ha of natural forest cover has been converted by PT. SPA Serapung into land clearing for acacia plantation, as monitored by Landsat image on 7 August 2005.