Greenomics Indonesia, an NGO based in Jakarta, this week published a report entitling APP’s artful deception: After pulping its remaining forests, APP positions itself as a conservation leader with new policy showing “how little natural forest and forested peatland will be saved by the New APP Forest Conservation Policy.”
Oleh karena itu upaya penulisan studi ini dilakukan dengan mencoba menggunakan dokumen data lapangan maupun dokumen resmi Kementerian Kehutanan yang telah terkumpul sampai tahun 2008 khususnya dalam menganalisa perbandingan kebutuhan bahan baku industry pulp secara umum dan PT RAPP dan PT IKPP secara khusus. Meskipun demikian data ijin RKT HTI tahun 2009 di Propinsi Riau bisa diperoleh tim studi.
50% or 8,8 millions M3 of PT IKPP and PT RAPP raw material supplies had been extracted from natural forests and the rest 8.9 millions M3 per year are from Plantation Forests. With this lack of raw material supplies from production forest, the remaining natural forests in Riau are threatened as the potential target of raw material supplier.
Laporan lacak balak dari PT Artelindo Wiratama, perusahaan pengembang HTI, terafiliasi dengan Asia Pulp And Paper (APP), ke pabrik pulp PT Indah Kiat...