See animation of MODIS: how smoke from APP’s supplier blankets Sumatra since August 17

EoF News / 18 September 2015
fires occurred in an APP supplier's concession

EoF News (PEKANBARU) -- Eyes on the Forest today published a new animation it produced using MODIS True Color Terra images since 17 August 2015. The animation shows smokes coming out of Asia Pulp & Paper's own PT. Rimba Hutani Mas concession in South Sumatra.

20% of all high confidence fire hotspots in South Sumatra this year (between 1 January and 14 September) were detected inside this concession or 432 out of 2,167 hotspots.

Eyes on the Forest also analyzed the daily NASA FIRMS hotspot data for September in and around this concession. The result (map below the animation) does not seem to support APP's claim: "The majority of the fires - more than 90 per cent - come from outside the concessions".

RHM is one of companies that are under investigation by the police in South Sumatra this month as the government is threatening to take stern measures against culprits of setting fires and to ban directors, executives, board and owners involved from doing the business.

See also EoF News 17 September