Investigative Report June 2006 released, APP responds findings

EoF News / 29 September 2006

Pekanbaru (EoF News) --- Eyes on the Forest, a coalition of three NGOs in Riau, published Investigative Report June 2006 today. The investigation in this edition was conducted in Giam Siak Kecil, Senepis, and Kerumutan forest blocks. Due to the investigation related mostly to companies associated to Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), EoF asked response from the related company to our findings through a letter EoF sent earlier this week. APP responded to EoF investigation as a three-page letter dated September 27 th 2006 sent by Aida Greenbury, Vice Director of Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement.

EoF highlighted APP’s excerpts in commenting on the conservationist coalition’s findings as follows: “ The EoF’s report suggested that APP, through PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk., received illegally felled timber from PT Ruas Utama Jaya and was in breach of forestry laws. “ Our response: To the best of our knowledge and findings, the timber deliveries highlighted within the EoF’s report were felled under existing legitimate Annual Working Plan number KPTS.522.2/PK/0334.

This Annual Working Plan is in accordance with the license number 1179/Menhutbun-VI/1999, which was issued by the Ministry of Forestry on August 27 th 1999… “The EoF’s report implied that APP, through PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk., received illegally felled timber from PT Bina Duta Laksana and was in breach of forestry laws and the verification process by the Ministry of Forestry. “Our response: The operation observed by EoF’s Chain of Custody (CoC) ID B4009 is based on a valid and legal Annual Working Plan number KPTS.522.2/PK/2131. This is also in compliance with the Ministry of Forestry decree number P.44/Menhut- II/2005… “PT Bina Duta Laksana is covered by a definitive plantation development license SK 207/Menhut-II/2006, which was issued by the Ministry of Forestry on June 8 th 2006.” APP then said, “ the issue of illegal logging is of concern to APP. As part of its comprehensive policies in forestry and fiber procurement, APP does not accept any wood fiber that originates within any nationally-recognized conservation forest.” Find EoF’s recent Investigative Report June 2006| Bahasa version

