Global letters to APP/SMG to protect Bukit Tigapuluh published

EoF News / 16 October 2009

Global letters to APP/SMG to protect Bukit Tigapuluh published

(EoF News)-- Australian Orangutan Project published letters from a group of stakeholders who come together to call on APP/SMG and Indonesia's government for protection of Bukit Tigapuluh forest. Leading institutions including United Nation's GRASP, IUCN, World Association of Zooes and Aquaria, have written letters of concern calling on APP and the Indonesian government to act immediately and protect this area.

Find them at

Bangkok Climate Change Talks 2009 on Bukit Tigapuluh

Meanwhile, you can watch the press briefing by Rainforest Action Network and The Wilderness Society on "Destruction of orang utan sanctuary highlights risks of REDD" at 

