43 Palm Oil Companies in Riau Province Adopt Suistainable Palm Oil

EoF News / 10 January 2006

Eyes on the Forest is committed to closely monitor the execution of the commitment in the field, including to identify which commitment apply where and to check whether the companies keep their commitments on High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) protection . Eyes on the Forest will also publicly report its findings to the world.

For the companies who adopted the P&C, the first two years will be the trial phase, whereby they will be given the opportunity to report any kind of obstacles which may occur during the implementation and the assistance in finding the best solution, for afterwards the global market will only sell the sustainable palm oil products.

There are eight main points in the sustainable palm oil principles and criteria which will be implemented and obeyed by the global palm oil industry, of which palm oil industry is required to ensure that its production is economically viable, environmentally appropriate and socially beneficial.

In the 3 rd RSPO meeting, in total of 55 RSPO members worldwide voted for the adoption of the P&C, of which 54 members voted in support and 1 member abstained. Indonesian companies who supported the P&C are PT. SMART Tbk, GAPKI Association, PT. PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk, and PT. Musim Mas. The first two publicly announced its commitment to initiate the pilot project of the implementation in the near future which will also be applied to their associated companies in Riau.

Map of palm oil concessions committed to the RSPO principles and criteria in Riau
Company committed to the RSPO principles and criteria in Riau
