IGA dumps toilet paper product
(from smh.com.au/ AAP) -- A supermarket chain has wiped two toilet paper brands from its shelves following a campaign by environmentalists to save endangered tigers in Indonesia.
(from smh.com.au/ AAP) -- A supermarket chain has wiped two toilet paper brands from its shelves following a campaign by environmentalists to save endangered tigers in Indonesia.
(AAP via insideretail.com.au) -- Stationery and equipment retailer Officeworks has ceased doing business with paper supplier APRIL over claims it is illegally logging Indonesian forests.
Independent tests carried out by a US laboratory IPS for Markets for Change (MFC) on the APRIL (1) paper brand Lazer IT , stocked by Officeworks, has found that the paper tested contained over 80% pulp fibre from Indonesian rainforest.
The recent certification of an Asia Pulp & Paper (APP)/Sinar Mas pulp plantation by the Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute (LEI) suggests that the LEI standards need to be strengthened, as APP products are not sustainable, a group of non-governmental organizations in Indonesia warned global paper buyers today.
Jeremy Hance, mongabay.com, August 10, 2008-- Last week Woolworths announced it was dropping its contract with Asian Pulp and Paper (APP). Woolworths had come under considerable fire for carrying APP, which has a notorious record of environmental degradation on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Previously APP has lost contracts with several other large companies including Office Depot, Wal-Mart, and Staples. APP has also fallen foul of several environmental groups like the World Wildlife Fund, the Rainforest Alliance, and the Forest Stewardship Council, which certifies sustainable wood products.
PEKANBARU (EoF News)-- A concerted campaign is conducted to wake up Australia’s largest retailer Woolworths Ltd for not sourcing paper products of Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), “the least sustainable fiber manufacturer in Asia and one of the worst in the world.”
BWI website - 30 May 2008 -- In August 2007, the Australian union CFMEU's Pulp and Paper Workers' Branch contacted Woolworths, a major Australian retailer, demanding that the company cease buying tissue and paper products from Asia Pulp & Paper, APP, a leading paper manufacturer based in Indonesia.
Office-supplies giant Staples Inc. has severed all contracts with Singapore-based Asia Pulp & Paper Co. Ltd., one of the world's largest paper companies, in a move that shows concerns over forest destruction and global warming are having an impact on big U.S. paper buyers.