News (10)

/ EoF Press Release

Six people, three tigers killed in Sumatra this month

In the wake of the deaths of six people from tiger attacks in Sumatra’s Jambi Province in less than a month, conservationists are calling for an urgent crackdown on the clearing of natural forest in the province as a matter of public safety.

/ EoF News

District officials blamed for backing up encroachment

Pekanbaru (EoF News) -- Pelalawan District administration is accused of supporting rampant encroachment practice in proposed Tesso Nilo National Park as it issued KTP identified cards for encroachers originating from other provinces. The migrants then dwelled in newly-inhabited illegal Toro village. Coordinator of Jikalahari (Riau NGOs network for forest rescue) Zulfahmi said the government should prevent migrants entering defunct HPH selective logging concession granted to PT Nanjak Makmur due to they encroach the proposed Tesso Nilo National Park extension land. “Because they just conduct illegal encroachment,” he said as quoted by Riau Terkini website Tuesday.

/ EoF News

Sumatran tigers habitat threatened by hotspots

"The hot spots must be put out , otherwise the tigers` habitat will be threatened," the head of the local Environmental Impact Management Agency (Bapedal), Khairul Zainal, said. He said the hot spots which had been spotted by satellite would become a serious danger to wild life if the area if they were not extinguished.

/ EoF News

Fighting illegal loggers

Indonesia has enacted laws on environmental protection and has issued a myriad of regulations and rulings to protect forests, in addition to the creation of non-tariff barriers to prevent the trading of illegally cut wood. Yet deforestation continues. Inter-island trade and export of illegally felled timber remains rampant.

/ EoF News

APRIL's New Road Threatens Natural Forest in Kampar Peninsula

Pekanbaru, Indonesia (EoF News, May 27, 2005) - New investigations by Eyes on the Forest reveal continued forest destruction in APRIL's concession area. At least 216 hectare of natural peat swamp forest have recently been opened and have brought illegal loggers and squatters to the area.

Reports (Not found)