News (39)

/ EoF Press Release

Koalisi EoF apresiasi Menteri LHK atas penolakan sawit jadi tanaman hutan

PEKANBARU, 08 Februari 2022 – Koalisi Eyes on the Forest menyampaikan apresiasi kepada Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK) Siti Nurbaya Bakar atas penolakan ide sawit menjadi tanaman hutan. ''Aturan Pemerintah tegas, bahwa sawit bukan tanaman hutan dan tidak ada rencana untuk itu [revisi peraturan],” demikian dinyatakan MenLHK dalam cuitannya, Senin (07/02/2022).

/ EoF Press Release

Kenapa sawit tidak layak jadi tanaman hutan – sawit dalam hutan dan ancaman kepunahan lokal satwa liar

PEKANBARU, 26 NOVEMBER 2021 – Temuan Eyes on the Forest selama 17 tahun mendapati dampak buruk praktek korporasi perkebunan kelapa sawit bagi hutan alam, dan keanekaragaman hayati. Dari temuan EoF menjelaskan kenapa komoditi kelapa sawit layak ditolak jadi tanaman hutan seperti usulan Yanto Santosa, Guru Besar IPB University beserta akademisi sehaluan dengannya.

/ EoF Press Release

Seminar Nasional “Sawit Sebagai Tanaman Hutan di IPB,” Forum Akademis untuk Merusak Hutan

Pekanbaru, 25 November 2021–Koalisi Eyes on The Forest (EoF) mengecam penyelenggaraan Seminar Nasional “Permasalahan, Prospek dan Implikasi Sawit Sebagai Tanaman Hutan” yang bertentangan dengan tekad Pemerintah Indonesia untuk berkontribusi mengurangi ancaman krisis iklim (climate crisis) dan menahan laju deforestasi.

/ EoF News

Penebangan Hutan Alam Kembali Terjadi di Riau

Kejadian penebangan hutan alam yang sangat masif pernah terjadi di Riau, antara tahun 2000-2008. Kala itu, awal tahun 2000, potongan kayu gelondongan kayu bulat berdiameter mulai dari 20 cm hingga mencapai 1 m kerap ditemukan berjejeran di pinggir hutan. Pemandangan itu selalu menghiasi setiap jalanan beraspal menuju industri sawmill, kayu lapis (plywood) serta industri bubur kertas dan kertas (pulp and paper) di Riau.

/ EoF News

Kebakaran masih menyambar konsesi HTI dua grup besar – Hasil pemantauan lapangan oleh EoF

Eyes on the Forest bulan ini melakukan observasi pembuktian di lapangan (groundtruthing) akan adanya kebakaran hutan dan lahan di konsesi-konsesi Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) seperti yang terpantau oleh satelit NASA FIRMS VIIRS kurun Februari – Maret 2021.

/ EoF News

Pada Bulan Ini di tahun 2010 -- EoF menghimbau APP dan APRIL untuk menepati janji mereka

10 tahun lalu, tepatnya 3 Desember 2010, Eyes on the Forest merilis sebuah laporan yang menyingkap bagaimana dua perusahaan raksasa pulp dan kertas – Asia Pulp & Paper milik Sinar Mas Group (SMG / APP) yang berkantor pusat di Shanghai/Cina dan Asian Pacific Resources International Holdings Limited (APRIL) milik Raja Garuda Mas Grup yang berkantor pusat di Singapura – terus mengkonversi hutan alam dan gambut dalam di propinsi Riau.

/ EoF News

APRIL dituding memanfaatkan masa Pandemi, berencana menebangi hutan

Mewabahnya virus Covid-19 ternyata tidak menyurutkan aktivitas penebangan hutan secara ilegal. Juni 2020, temuan Jikalahari di Desa Pulau Padang, Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi, mengindikasikan adanya rencana penebangan hutan alam seluas 1.565 hektar yang akan dilakukan oleh PT Nusa Prima Manunggal (NPM), anak perusahaan Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL).

/ EoF News

LSM kritisi APP lamban dalam kebijakan lestarinya

Sejumlah lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) menyampaikan pernyataan bersama dalam menyambut 5 tahun diluncurkannya Kebijakan Konservasi Hutan (FCP) oleh Asia Pulp & Paper (APP). Pernyataan Bersama menyimpulkan APP belum berada pada jalur yang tepat dan kemajuan pelaksanaan komitmen tersebut belum memadai.

/ EoF Press Release

EoF: Sinar Mas/APP’s denial misleading, they source of haze since ten years ago

Sinar Mas Group (SMG) and Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) last week denied publicly that their companies are involved in ongoing forest and land fires. Eyes on the Forest coalition said that media stunt by the giant company is ridiculous and hard to trust.

/ EoF News

Ministry to take over concessions raged by fires, APP supplier named suspect

Indonesia Police Headquarters named PT BMH as a suspect of forest fires in South Sumatra and it is the second time the timber supplier of Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) convicted to the crime following its legal status in February last year.

/ EoF News

Again President calls on stern measure against companies burning forest

President Joko Widodo called stern measures against companies involved in forest and land fires burning by rescinding their licenses, media report said today.

/ EoF News

NGOs question APRIL’s policy implementation as APRIL’s breach of deforestation moratorium proven

APRIL published an audit report by its consultant Hatfield which confirmed an Eyes on the Forest report that APRIL’s wood supplier, PT. Adindo Hutani Lestari (AHL) in North Kalimantan, had breached APRIL’s forest and peatland clearance moratorium starting 15 May 2015.

/ EoF News

NGOs unimpressed with published APRIL moratorium baseline

Eyes on the Forest says APRIL unable to provide evidence that PT Adindo Hutani Lestari (AHL) in North Kalimantan, an APRIL timber supplier, did not clear natural forest after 15 May, the day when APRIL pledged to halt its forest clearing in its modified Sustainable Forest Management Policy. EoF had reported this moratorium violation on 22 June.

/ EoF News

Fires hotspots mostly detected in palm oil plantations in West Kalimantan

NGOs in West Kalimantan analyzed that 217 fires hotspots detected by NASA Firms Eosdis during 28 June – 6 July 2015. 124 out of 217 hotspots or 57 percent was found in palm oil concessions and by districts, Kubu Raya is the most area hit by fires with 81 and followed by Ketapang and Sambas with 44 and 36 respectively.

/ EoF News

APRIL supplier violates new forest policy, peatland forests in Borneo cleared after moratorium issued

A supplier of Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) in North Kalimantan cleared natural forest on peatland in violation of APRIL’s recently launched 2nd version of the Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP).

/ EoF Press Release

Not only on paper, sustainable commitment needs evidence on the ground

Commitment on Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP) 2.0 that recently launched by Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) on 3 June 2015 is not a blank cheque nor a public relation stunt as usual to business world and public in whole.

/ EoF News

APRIL found clearing natural forest in green belt, supplying natural woods to pulp mill

PT Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper (RAPP), major concession of Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL), was found clearing natural forest in its concession of district/sector Ukui, Tesso Nilo landscape, Riau province.

/ EoF News

Two timber supplier concessions severely hits by firespots in March

Analysis by Eyes on the Forest coalition finds that Bengkalis district hit the most fire hotspots during March 2015 and PT Riau Rokan Lestari (RRL), a non-affiliated timber supplier concession got the most along with APRIL-affiliated PT Sumatera Riang Lestari (SRL).

/ EoF News

APRIL still clears forest in Pulau Padang’s concession

Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) likely broke its promise not to clear natural forest despite it has pledged not to do so in its sustainable forest management policy, a satellite images analysis detected.

/ EoF News

NGOs condemns APP/SMG for brutal murder by their security of a local farmer

Indra Pelani (23) of Lubuk Mandarsah was killed by security guards hired by APP’s sister company PT. Wirakarya Sakti (WKS) in Bukit Tigapuluh landscape, Jambi Province, Sumatra. The village has been in conflict with WKS for a long time over their land tenure for 3,000 ha.

/ EoF News

New report: forestry industry uses 30 percent wood from unsustainable sources

A recent report highlighting gap on timber supply sustainability found that estimated 30 percent of wood used by Indonesia’s industrial forestry sector comes from illegal sources.

/ EoF News

Fires hotspots detected in timber, plantation concessions

Eyes on the Forest analyzed that 290 fires hotspots accumulatively detected in period of 11 January - 11 February 2015 where Bengkalis district has got 160 of it, the most among the district in Riau Province.

/ EoF Press Release

More to conservation than APP's clearing halt

Two years after Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) announced a new “forest conservation” policy, APP’s pledge to halt forest clearing has held, but its forests are still disappearing.

/ EoF Press Release

APRIL’s policy anniversary without real gain, NGOs say

On the first anniversary of APRIL’s “Sustainable Forest Management Policy”, Eyes on the Forest, Gapeta Borneo and RPHK call on APRIL to stop natural forest clearance and peat canal development immediately.

/ EoF News

NGOs call on 26 banks to divest from APRIL

Two environmental groups sent letters to 26 banks in several countries as attempt “to express their concerns regarding the pulp and paper companies Asia Pacific Resources Limited (APRIL), Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL) and their sister companies under the conglomerate Royal Golden Eagle Group (RGE), due to their involvement in large scale deforestation and social conflicts.

/ EoF News

APRIL violates its new sustainability policy, say Kalimantan NGOs

Three green groups working in Kalimantan launched an investigative report this week depicting deep peat forest clearance by a timber supplier of Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL), PT Adindo Hutani Lestari (AHL), in Sesayap sector, North Kalimantan province.

/ EoF Press Release

WWF: "Strict sanction for company involved in illegal clearing of ramin trees"

WWF Indonesia urges Ministry of Forestry to follow up on a report published by Greenomics Indonesia yesterday ( Dec 10) and take proper and strict actions for companies involved in felling and supplying ramin trees.

/ EoF Press Release

APRIL, Sumatra’s largest pulper of natural forest tangled over legality, social conflicts

Despite promising to its customers that they would only use plantation fiber to feed its pulp mill by 2009. Wood supply to global pulp giant Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL), has resulted natural forest loss double the size of Singapore, in Riau Province since that deadline.

/ EoF Press Release

Kebakaran di konsesi APP/Sinar Mas memperparah" "kabut asap regional dan mengancam cagar biosfir" "PBB yang baru"

Data satelit selama enam bulan perama di tahun 2009 menunjukkan bahwa Provinsi Riau memiliki jumlah titik api kebakaran terbanyak di Indonesia, yakni 4.782.

/ EoF Press Release

Konflik antara manusia dan harimau di Riau terkait dengan 12 tahun operasi penebangan hutan oleh APP/Sinar Mas

Kebanyakan insiden konflik antara manusia dan harimau di Provinsi Riau dalam kurun 12 tahun terakhir telah terjadi di dekat kawasan hutan yang ditebangi oleh perusahaan-perusahaan kelompok raksasa pabrik kertas Asia Pulp and Paper (APP)/Sinar Mas Group (SMG), demikian menurut analisa data konflik manusia-harimau.

/ EoF Press Release

APP dan mitranya mengancam upaya penyelamatan ekosistem Sumatera dan iklim global

Komitmen Indonesia yang baru diumumkan untuk menyelamatkan hutan alam Sumatera pada Kongres Konservasi Dunia IUCN dua pekan lalu menghadapi ujian awal, menyusul terungkapnya aktivitas salah satu perusahaan kertas terbesar dunia, Asia Pulp & Paper (APP)/Sinar Mas Group (SMG).

/ EoF Press Release

Pembangunan jalan logging APP mengancam hutan penyimpan karbon terbesar dunia

Dalam sebuah laporan investigasi yang dipublikasikan hari ini oleh Eyes on the Forest, bukti-bukti menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan gabungan Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) belum lama ini membuka sebuah jalan logging yang memotong jantung hutan gambut penting di Semenanjung Kampar, Riau.

Reports (24)

/ EoF Investigative Report / WWF

Laporan Investigatif: Tak ada yang aman (April 2016)

Laporan EoF yang diterbitkan hari ini menunjukkan bagaimana minyak sawit mentah (CPO) ditanam secara ilegal di kawasan lindung milik Negara seperti...