News (5)

/ EoF News

In this month in 2009 – PT SRL block Kerumutan clears deep peat forest

In 2009, a pulpwood plantation (HTI) development company affiliated with Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Limited (APRIL), one of the world’s largest paper companies, is clearing natural peat swamp forest with likely High Conservation Values under legally questionable circumstances.

/ EoF News

Konsesi HTI dan kawasan prioritas restorasi gambut di Riau terbakar

Hasil pengecekan lapangan oleh Eyes on the Forest menemukan adanya kebakaran hutan dan lahan di konsesi Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) di kabupaten Rokan Hilir dan kawasan prioritas restorasi gambut serta areal peta indikatif penundaan pemberian izin baru (PIPPIB) pekan lalu.

/ EoF News

Two timber supplier concessions severely hits by firespots in March

Analysis by Eyes on the Forest coalition finds that Bengkalis district hit the most fire hotspots during March 2015 and PT Riau Rokan Lestari (RRL), a non-affiliated timber supplier concession got the most along with APRIL-affiliated PT Sumatera Riang Lestari (SRL).

Reports (4)