News (3)

/ EoF News

APRIL's timber supplier clears Sumatran tiger forest

The concession area of PT RAPP Blok Logas Selatan (Sei Tasem) is located in the Bukit Rimbang – Bukit Baling forest block that has hilly and highly potential to contain High Conservation Value as indicated in this region including Protected Areas by the Indonesian Government and Riau Province Government.

/ EoF Press Release

First images of tiger with cubs in Central Sumatra

After a month in operation, specially designed video cameras installed by WWF-Indonesia’s researchers seeking to record tigers in the Sumatran jungle caught the mother tiger and her cubs on film as they stopped to sniff and check out the camera trap.

/ EoF News

Riau Province : Rank No.1 in Illegal Timber Export

Pekanbaru, KOMPAS-- Rampant illegal logging practices in Riau have placed the province on the top list of provinces in Indonesia with the highest rate of illegal timber export, beside Kalimantan and Papua. Every month about 126,000 cubic meters of illegal timber are exported to Malaysia from this province alone.

Reports (3)