
In-depth investigations by Eyes on the Forest and other organizations of forest crimes in Indonesia perpetrated by palm oil, and pulp and paper companies, along with related issues. Includes external publications.

29 Mar 2021 / EoF Investigative Report

Pemantauan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di konsesi PT Sumatera Riang Lestari Blok IV Pulau Rupat

Menurut pemantauan di lapangan, Kebakaran hutan dan lahan di konsesi PT Sumatera Riang Lestari Blok IV Pulau Rupat diperkirakan mencapai luas 90 hektar pada tutupan lahan tanaman kelapa sawit dan semak belukar. Dari...

29 Mar 2021 / EoF Investigative Report

Pemantauan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di eks konsesi PT Rimba Rokan Perkasa

Menurut pemantauan di lapangan dan analisa sistem informasi geospasial (GIS), Kebakaran hutan dan lahan di eks konsesi PT Rimba Rokan Perkasa diperkirakan mencapai luas 24 hektar dan terjadi pada tutupan lahan tanaman...

10 Feb 2021 / EoF Investigative Report

APP/SMG suppliers in Senepis block, Riau, allegedly breach the group’s peat protection pledge

On 16 September 2020, EoF and media found that PT RUJ and PT SGP cleared 149 and 31 hectares of young regeneration forest, respectively (Picture 1) in violation of SMG/APP’s FCP. EoF estimates that the young...

10 Feb 2021 / EoF Investigative Report

Pemasok APP/SMG di blok Senepis, Riau, melanggar komitmennya soal perlindungan gambut

Pada awal September 2020, Jikalahari, anggota Eyes on the Forest (EoF) di Riau melakukan investigasi dan menemukan adanya indikasi deforestasi yang dilakukan oleh dua pemasok SMG/APP, PT Ruas Utama Jaya (RUJ), dan PT...

07 Oct 2020 / EoF External Publications / KAMH

MEMBABAT HUTAN TANPA HENTI Hubungan dengan PT Adindo Hutani Lestari mencederai komitmen nol-deforestasi APRIL Grup

Berdasarkan analisis yang menggunakan citra satelit, laporan ini mendokumentasikan deforestasi yang luas, termasuk pembukaan hutan di lahan gambut di areal konsesi PT Adindo Hutani Lestari (Adindo), yaitu salah satu dari...

08 Oct 2019 / EoF External Publications / KAMH

Borneo Deforestation Update

Asia Pulp & Paper and APRIL Groups continued in 2018 to source wood from controversial supplier owned by Djarum Group

26 Sep 2019 / EoF Investigative Report

2019 Fires in Riau Province, Update 1: Hotspots 8-21 September 2019

Fires have been raging globally and once again have become a “hot” topic in the media this year. Where were hotspots detected between 8 and 21 September in Sumatra? EoF publishes its update.

30 Aug 2019 / EoF Investigative Report

Peat fires raging as Indonesian Government turns back the clock on restoration

To create at least some form of transparency on the issue and evaluate the restoration performance by both HTI concession holders and government in the country’s top peat province of Riau during the 3 years the...